Minnesota love in Paris :)
Yes, I may have been off the radar for almost a month now but believe me I have some good reasons. And isn't it more important that I am out enjoying this continent rather than writing about it all the time? This entry will get you all up to date on the most important happenings of the past month including: spring break and visits from Ashley and Steph. Lets dive right in shall we?
Spring break: April 10th-19th (Nice, Venice, & Cinque Terre)
Spring break: April 10th-19th (Nice, Venice, & Cinque Terre)
Never thought I would do an Easter candy hunt in my hotel room in Nice on Easter sunday (thanks to Alex), go rollerblading along Les promenades des anglais (paths along the ocean) and have lessons in cultural competence all in the same day.
Incredible market in old nice. It had everything: olives, spices, handmade soaps, flowers, fresh tea, candy...the list goes on. It was a feast for the eyes.
Can't get enough of the gelato in this town. With 80 some flavors to choose from we just had to go 3 times.
Experienced Monaco (the place and the drink) and all you can eat moules (mussles) in the same day. Talk about indulgence.
Very first night we arrived we wandered the confusing streets of Venice for about 2 hours before we found our hotel (again, thanks to Alex. I think he deserves MVP for the trip).
Excellent B&B that we stayed at called Al Tramonto Dorato with it's friendly owner, delicious breakfast and off the tourist path location.
Not a complete trip to Venice without a gondola ride. Alex talked the gondalier down from 80 euros to 60 euros.
Incredible Saint Marks cathedral with it's shimmering interior and Saint Marks square with it's after dark concerts and romantic atmosphere.
Cashed in on some beach time on Lido (another island of Venice). Got to ride Vaperetto to get there (Venice's version of a taxi-the only thing is, that if you get off before your designated stop you might drown).
Evening in Venice is the best time of day, even better after dark. The tourist crowds are gone and the island is quiet.
Chanced it and didn't make plans for a place to stay in the cinque terre and ended up at a great little place in Monterosso (the northernmost of the 5 towns) called Hotel Souvenir.
Italian as a language, as I have learned, is very passionate. Everyone seems to be fighting when they speak, but really they are just carrying on normal conversation. Big change from the discrete French.
Naturally the entire midwest was in the Cinque Terre at the same time. Met a couple from Bloomington Minnesota, a lady who graduated from Gustavus "many years ago," and a nice old lady from Toronto. Also, randomly on the train between towns I met a man who works for Bigger, faster, stronger (sports training) and started talking athletics...see I can be productive on vacation ;)
Quite possibly the best Italian food I've ever had came from a place called Via Venti. Family owned and operated I had TO DIE FOR fresh pear and cheese ravioli. If you want the full details ask Becky, she could talk about it all day. All I have to say is everything from the service (we became friends with the son/waiter because we ended up going there twice) to the ambiance and of course the cuisine were top notch.
Undoubtably we hiked. Breathtaking views (and climbs) in the misty rain satisfied Becky and my desire for some outdoor adventure.
E verything about this place (the mountains, the ocean, the food) all lent itself to creating an atmosphere for the perfect vacation. No museums, no lines, no crowds. Just nature and all the time to do whatever you want. The perfect end to an incredible, once in a lifetime spring break.
On April 20th Steph arrived in Paris-it was great to have another visitor and of course we both got emotional at the airport. It means so much to me to have visitors...the fact that they chose to take time (and money) to come see ME across the ocean means more than I can say. I can only hope that they were able to see Paris and France the way I do. For them to share time here with me lets me show others where my passion for this culture comes from. It was the most fun for me to see Steph's reactions to every site we visited-I saw Paris again through new eyes.
Ash arrived on April 23rd but spent time from the 27th-May 1st in Nice and along the cote d'azure since she has already been to Paris once before. Having them here at the same time was a really fun experience and gave them a chance to finally meet. Don't worry Ash we will be instituiting our own French club when I get home!
Having visitors a second time around has really changed my philosophy on the best way to experience Paris. Perhaps its the fact that I've spent more time here and begun to realize what Paris and France is really about, but as important as seeing all the monuments are, to truly understand the French you must act like one. I have a full and utter appreciation for long, lazy days in the park and extended meals. Maybe I've inhaled too many fumes from the boulangeries, but I'm beginning to completely comprehend why the lifestyle here works.
Paris, je t'aime...